Intratec Primary Commodity Prices
Timely Price Assessments of 225 Commodities Worldwide
Intratec Primary Commodity Prices are provided as an annual subscription, granting subscribers timely access to reliable pricing data of 225 commodities, grouped into 7 industries, across multiple locations.
Subscribers can track the current prices of the commodities they are most interested in early each month, as well as analyze historical prices and forecasts. Price assessments can be accessed through various delivery methods: online charts for dynamic exploration, via Excel for quick updates, in Power BI dashboards and API for seamless integration into existing workflows.
Intratec Primary Commodity Prices are produced from official foreign trade government data that are collected and processed automatically with the use of artificial intelligence. When official data is not available, they are estimated using robust mathematical models that are continuously updated by our experts. All data made available to subscribers are reviewed by our market analysts to ensure the reliability of the prices provided.
Subscription Data Preview
Olefins & Derivatives
Aromatics & Derivatives
Alcohols & Organic Acids
Fertilizers & Gases
Inorganic Chemicals
Subscription Features
Prices Early each Month
Get data updates on the 3rd business day of each month. Check release schedule
Share Data
Share data within your Business Group (subsidiaries & parent companies) and third parties
Price Forecasts
Get forecasts for selected commodities , covering a rolling 6 months forward
Price History Since 2007
Check monthly prices of commodities worldwide, since 2007
Prices in Multiple Locations
For each commodity, track prices in multiple countries/world regions
Download Data
Download chart data (PDF) and chart images (PNG, JPG)
Subscription Delivery Methods
Online Charts
Explore commodity price charts, create tailored visualizations and identify trends.
Have up-to-date commodity prices in Excel, with the press of a button.
Power BI
Get Intratec data directly into existing Power BI dashboards, with no setup required.
Developer API
Integrate with Intratec API for commodity prices, accessing +10-year price history & forecasts