Adipic Acid Prices | Historical and Current
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Data Legend. The chart above shows Adipic Acid price assessments in USA Dollar per metric ton (USD/mt) in 5 locations, as follows:
- Adipic Acid, US (United States): Adipic Acid, export transaction price, fob, United States
- Adipic Acid, EUR (Europe): Adipic Acid, import transaction price, cif, Netherlands (netforward from fob United States)
- Adipic Acid, SEA (Southeast Asia): Adipic Acid, import transaction price, cif, Singapore (netforward from fob China)
- Adipic Acid, CN (China): Adipic Acid, domestic spot price, exw, China
- Adipic Acid, NEA (Northeast Asia): Adipic Acid, export transaction price, fob, South Korea
Data Use. Adipic Acid prices are provided as an annual subscription where subscribers have access to reliable pricing data of 225 commodities worldwide. Intratec's methodology employs a structured big data strategy that utilizes advanced technologies to extract publicly available data from primary sources such as governmental trade records, statistics bureaus, and international agencies. This data is then processed through mathematical models to generate reliable assessments, published at the very beginning of each month. To better understand the data provided check Intratec Primary Commodity Prices Methodology .
Data Delivery Methods. Adipic Acid price assessments are available via different delivery methods: (i) online charts; (ii) directly into Excel (using Intratec Add-in); (iii) in Power BI dashboards or (iv) a web API (to facilitate integration with existing workflows).
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Adipic Acid Price Outlook. The price of Adipic Acid (United States) decreased during March 2020 to 1,440 USD per metric ton, which represents a considerable decline of 8% compared to the previous month’s value. On a year-over-year basis, the prices of Adipic Acid (United States) decreased significantly by 11%. Meanwhile, the average price of Adipic Acid (China) amounted to 974 USD per metric ton, from 1,250 USD per metric ton one year earlier. On a month-over-month basis, the price of Adipic Acid (China) is 16% lower than the price one month before.
The price of Adipic Acid (Southeast Asia) declined considerably throughout March 2020, reaching 991 USD per metric ton. The price is 15% lower than the average price in the previous month and 22% lower than the average price one year before. In contrast, the prices of Adipic Acid (Europe) decreased significantly during March 2020, reaching 1,470 USD per metric ton, which means a decline of 8% from the previous month’s price and a decline of 10% from the previous year’s price.
The prices of Adipic Acid (Northeast Asia) experienced a modest decline of 10 USD per metric ton from the prior month's price, to 1,330 USD per metric ton. Such price movement meant a decrease of 0.7% on a monthly basis and a rise of 0.8% on a yearly basis.
About Adipic Acid. Adipic Acid (a.k.a. Hexanedioic Acid, Bio-Adipic Acid) is one of the most important aliphatic dicarboxylic acids, with about 2.5 billion kilograms being produced per year. It is isolated as odorless, colorless crystals having an acidic taste. Adipic Acid undergoes the reactions of carboxylic acids, reacting at one or both carboxylic acid groups to form salts, esters, amides, nitriles, etc. Actually, because of the bifunctional nature of this acid, it is used in a number of industrial polymerization processes.
Commercial production of Adipic Acid has been predominantly based on cyclohexane and, to a lesser extent, phenol. In light of shifts in hydrocarbon pricing, alternative Adipic Acid production routes have been researched, mainly based on butadiene and cyclohexene feedstocks. Adipic Acid may also be produced from renewable sources - in such cases, it may be referred to as Bio-Adipic Acid or Green Adipic Acid.
Adipic Acid Handling. Adipic acid, when dispersed as a dust, is subject to dust explosion, so the acid is conveyed pneumatically (or mechanically) from the drying equipment to the shipping or storage container. The material should be stored in corrosion-resistant containers, away from alkaline or strong oxidizing materials. The containers can be made of aluminum or stainless steel, and the quantities range from 50 lbs (22.7 kg) bags to 200,000 lb (90.9 t) hopper cars. In storage, adipic acid tends to cake, depending on particle size and moisture content, so it is recommended to use hermetically closed containers in storage. It is regulated only in packages of 2.3 t (5000 lb) or more (hopper cars and pressure-differential cars and trucks).
Adipic Acid Production. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Adipic Acid are listed below.
- Cyclohexane + nitric acid (two stage oxidation),
- Phenol + hydrogen + nitric acid (hydrogenation/oxidation),
- Butadiene + carbon monoxide + water (hydrocarboxylation)
Adipic Acid Uses. The uses and applications of Adipic Acid may vary according to its specification. The main forms of Adipic Acid are technical grade (99.5% minimum purity) and Food Chemical Codex grade (FCC, 99.6% minimum purity).