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Data Legend. The chart above shows Titanium price assessments in USA Dollar per metric ton (USD/mt) as follows:
- Titanium (Ingot 99%), CN (China): Titanium (titanium ingot(99% Ti content), domestic spot price, exw, China
- Titanium (Sponge 99.6%), CN (China): Titanium (titanium sponge(99.6% Ti content), domestic spot price, exw, China
Data Use. Titanium prices are provided as an annual subscription where subscribers have access to reliable pricing data of 225 commodities worldwide. Intratec's methodology employs a structured big data strategy that utilizes advanced technologies to extract publicly available data from primary sources such as governmental trade records, statistics bureaus, and international agencies. This data is then processed through mathematical models to generate reliable assessments, published at the very beginning of each month. To better understand the data provided check Intratec Primary Commodity Prices Methodology .
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Titanium Price Outlook. The price of Titanium (Ingot 99%, China) increased during March 2020 to 6,660 USD per metric ton, which represents a slight rise of 0.3% compared to the previous month’s value. On a year-over-year basis, the prices of Titanium (Ingot 99%, China) decreased modestly by 1%. Meanwhile, the average price of Titanium (Sponge 99.6%, China) amounted to 5,790 USD per metric ton, from 5,850 USD per metric ton one year earlier. On a month-over-month basis, the price of Titanium (Sponge 99.6%, China) is 0.3% higher than the price one month before.
About Titanium. Titanium and its compounds, such as Titanium dioxide, are crucial in various industrial applications. In nature, the deposits are widely distributed, with an average concentration of 0.6% in Earth's crust, and occour mainly in igneous rocks. The majority of Titanium minerals are utilized for producing Titanium dioxide (more specifically, white pigment), with a much smaller portion used for Titanium metal, which has excellent corrosion resistance, because its surface is protected from oxidizing agents by an oxide film, and a high strength-weight ratio. Rutile is the preferred mineral for Titanium extraction due to its high TiO2 content, although rarer than ilmenite. While rutile mining is concentrated in Australia, ilmenite is mined globally, with significant production from Australia, Norway, the United States, and Ukraine. However, the leading producers of Titanium slag from ilmenite are Canada and South Africa.
Titanium metal is produced almost exclusively through the reduction of Titanium Tetrachloride, derived from natural rutile or synthetic rutile from ilmenite. The Kroll process is the dominant method for Titanium production and has almost superseded the Hunter process, except in China, where industrial-scale plants are still operated. Titanium sponges and ingots are produced in several countries, primarily China, followed by the United States, CIS, Ukraine, and Japan. The global consumption of Titanium products has seen steady growth, with significant demand from Europe.
Titanium Handling. It must be stored in a cool and dry area, and away from acids.
Titanium Production. Raw materials and the respective production processes employed in the manufacturing of Titanium are listed below.
- Titanium tetrachloride + sodium (Hunter process),
- Titanium tetrachloride + magnesium (Kroll process)
Titanium Uses. Because of the pure-Titanium manufacturing process, the metal is traded both in its primary form (sponge) and ingot/slab form. The last one is prepared by the Titanium sponge melting with processed scrap and a subsequent impurities-removal step. In the United States, almost half of Titanium consumption is from processed scrap, while in Europe, due to the low price of Titanium sponge, about 30% or less is accounted for by scrap. Also, there are four main commercial purity grades of Titanium, varying on the oxygen content: as the oxygen content increases, strength increases, and toughness decreases. Grade 1, which has minimal oxygen content, is utilized in deep drawing and cladding of steel reactors. Grade 2, the most commercially applied, is versatile and finds applications across various components at temperatures lower than 250 °C. Grade 3, primarily used for pressure vessels, possesses good cold-working properties. Grade 4, renowned for its high strength, is employed in fittings, aircraft construction, and medical engineering, with a requirement for forming at around 300 °C.