Hexamethylene Diisocyanate from HMDA (Non-Phosgene Process)
HDI Production Costs Report | Issue B | Q3 2024
Report Details |
20 kta United States-based plant | Q3 2024 | 107 pages |
This report presents a cost analysis of a 20 kta (kilo metric ton per annum) United States-based plant. You can add a customized cost analysis, assuming another location (country), when ordering a premium edition of this report.
Report Abstract
This report presents a techno-economic analysis of Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI) production from hexamethylene diamine (HMDA) in the United States. The process presented in this report is a non-phosgene process similar to BASF process. Initially, HMDA reacts with urea and butanol generating a carbamate intermediate. Then, the carbamate is thermally cracked producing HDI.
The report provides a comprehensive study of HDI production and related HDI production cost, covering three key aspects: a complete description of the HDI production process examined; an in-depth analysis of the related HDI plant capital cost (Capex); and an evaluation of the respective HDI plant operating costs (Opex).
The HDI production process description includes a block flow diagram (BFD), an overview of the industrial site installations, detailing both the process unit and the necessary infrastructure, process consumption figures and comprehensive process flow diagrams (PFD). The HDI plant capital cost analysis breaks down the Capex by plant cost (i.e., ISBL, OSBL and Contingency); owner's cost; working capital; and costs incurred during industrial plant commissioning and start-up. The HDI plant operating costs analysis covers operating expenses, including variable costs like raw materials and utilities, and fixed costs such as maintenance, labor, and depreciation.
Process Schematic

The process under analysis comprises two major sections: (1) carbamate production; (2) carbamate purification; and (3) thermal cleavage.
Carbamate production. Urea, hexamethylenediamine and butanol are mixed, preheated and routed to reactors. The reaction of such compounds is carried out in a three-stage stirred reactor, in the presence of catalysts based on zirconium-n-butanolate. Excess of n-butanol is used – the alcohol serves as solvent and reaction medium. This reaction yields carbamates, mainly 1,6-Hexamethylene Dibutylurethane, and ammonia by-product. The ammonia is continuously removed from the reaction media, in order to avoid deposition of ammonium carbamate by-product.
Carbamate purification. The third reactor output, containing the carbamates formed but also n-butanol and by-products (e.g. oligourea-polyurethanes and high boiling oligomers), is passed through separation steps after which a carbamates-rich stream is obtained. Unreacted n-butanol and reaction by-products are recycled.
Thermal cleavage. Such carbamate stream is then thermolyzed in the presence of dibutyltin dilaurate catalysts. The thermolysis is carried out in the liquid phase with vigorous boiling of the reaction mixture, in a steam-heated evaporator reactor. Here, the diurethanes in the stream fed to the reactor are converted to diisocyanates. After a couple of distillation steps, high-purity Hexamethylene diisocyanate is obtained. Cleavage n-butanol is recycled.
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$799 USD
Production Process Information
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Production Costs Datasheet
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Production Costs Datasheet
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Plant Cost Breakdowns
Plant Capacity Assessment
Process Flow Diagrams
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Content Highlights
Plant Capital Cost Summary
Summary outlining the capital cost required for building the HDI production plant examined
Plant Capital Cost Details
Detailing of fixed capital (ISBL, OSBL & Owner’s Cost), working capital and additional capital requirements
Plant Cost Breakdowns
Breakdown of HDI process unit (ISBL) costs and infrastructure (OSBL) costs; plant cost breakdown per discipline
Operating Costs Summary
Summary presenting the operating variable costs and the total operating cost of the HDI production plant studied
Operating Cost Details
Detailing of utilities costs, operating fixed costs and depreciation
Plant Capacity Assessment
Comparative analysis of capital investment and operating costs for different HDI plant capacities
Production Process Information
Block Flow Diagram, descriptions of process unit (ISBL) and site infrastructure (OSBL)
Process Consumptions
Raw materials and utilities consumption figures, by-products credits, labor requirements
Process Diagrams
Process flow diagrams (PFD), equipment list and industrial site configuration
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